Домой Здоровье Как работает дианабол метандиенон?

Как работает дианабол метандиенон?


Among the variety of steroids designed to increase muscle mass, methandienone, produced under the brand name «Dianabol», is popular. The drug is publicly available, dianabol methandienone buy online on the website.

How does Dianabol work

Methandienone is an anabolic steroid for oral use. In modified testosterone, methyl groups are present, and the bonds between atoms are broken, so the steroid forms less strong bonds with androgen receptors. Methandienone has the following effect on the body:

  • Protein synthesis is significantly accelerated.
  • More nutrients are supplied to the bones, and the accumulation of calcium is also noted.
  • Fluid, electrolytes, elements of sulfur, nitrogen and other substances are retained in the body.

Athletes use Dianabol methandienone in order to increase their strength and endurance, strengthen bones and build muscles in a short time.

In addition to sports, methandienone is used in medicine to treat patients with protein synthesis disorder, muscle dystrophy, osteoporosis. Also, the steroid is prescribed to patients recovering from radiation, infections, severe burns or operations.

Features of taking the drug

Anabolic steroid has a number of restrictions for taking – individual intolerance to the drug, liver diseases, prostatitis and oncology, diabetes mellitus and heart diseases. If you take Dianabol for medical reasons, you must strictly adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor.

Taking steroids to improve athletic performance, it is worth remembering that the drug is quickly excreted from the body. Therefore, the recommended daily zone is divided into several receptions. Experienced athletes take a daily dose before training, believing that this increases the effectiveness of training. Take the drug before meals to reduce the negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract. After a course of Dianabol (6-8 weeks), they take a break from 2 to 4 weeks, after which you can resume taking the drug.

Taking Dianabol has a number of side effects – jaundice, liver damage, edema, deposition of excess calcium in the bones, seborrheic dermatitis.